Your online destination for holistic inspiration, wisdom and serenity. Here we talk about all things close to the heart and soul, nourishing on all levels of our being. It is safe to be you. It is safe to surrender.


Kristina Bazan, founded renown blog in 2011 federating a wide community ranging across the globe and uniting people together within the one message of inner self belief, self empowerment and wisdom embodiment. Cultivating a safe space for many to unite and dream awake their passions and hopes. Young entrepreneur, artist and spiritual seeker, Kristina opens gateways of knowledge bridging several fields together to showcase their inner inter-connectedness : Music, Fashion, Spirituality merged together within grace, passion and beauty.

KAZA BAZAN is the continuation of this adventure with a profound mission to raise awareness, open & liberate consciousness, re-awaken intuition and inner remembrance with a new touch and outlook, focusing on a holistic, wholesome approach and content curation. La Kaza is a safe sanctuary where meaningful messages are being shared and a bright vision birthed, bringing it all together within One Oneness and Integrity to be of the highest service to you beloved reader, offering you crafted inspiration and a safe space for communion and sharing.

May we transform online spaces to be of the highest good for all of us, may we rejoice in our sacred wisdom and curate and craft content with the utmost love and respect. May you rejoice on this platform. Much love and many blessings.