Kristina Bazan Kristina Bazan

Musée Rodin

Come with me as we explore the magical Musée Rodin in Paris, surrounded by the poetic energy of the silhouettes sculpted by Rodin we dive into a conversation around the Mystery of life itself.

A Tale of Visual Poetry

I must say how much I appreciate taking my time when it comes to creation. I used to live in a state of quite literal frenzy when it comes to productivity, never able to truly relax, feeling guilty for needing time for rest, guilty for not documenting everything. I guess the activity of content creation comes with this mentality “if you don’t share it, people will think you’re up to nothing”, I used to think this way and now realize how detrimental it is. I used to think that in order to succeed I must be like a machine and produce content at my own detriment, health wise, energy wise, emotional balance wise. It’s like a self-fulfilling prophecy. I manifested this reality. A reality where the amount of “success” I achieved equated to how much of my own free time, rest and energy I sacrificed. I now realize that I can write a new story where this isn’t the case. Where instead of working “harder” we can work “smarter”, optimizing our work flow to allow ourselves time for inspiration, relaxation, contemplation. All these things which we often deem as “luxuries”/”privileges”, commodifying the importance of rest as being unproductive and thus pointless is how we all collectively create an energetic economy. Don’t get me wrong, there are so many things I am here to do, but I won’t be able to do any of it by running on empty. And that’s what I learned throughout these last 10 years of my career. When I launched Kaza ☉ Bazan I did it with the intention of creating a digital haven of peace. Where content would be shared when genuine inspiration strikes. When divine timing is honored whatever that is. Where people could feel this energy when coming on this platform and get a permission slip to take a breather, to go lay down on grass and listen to the birds singing, to relax our nervous system. We live in a world where collectively we get to define and set the rules. Don’t hate the game when you can change it’s rules.

As some of you know, last October I moved back to Switzerland for a while in order to spend more time in nature, to finish my book and work on my music. Being back in Switzerland, where it all started for me felt so special and brought back so many memories. I felt like being back to the source and honoring the roots of everything I have blossomed and nurtured into existence. Sometimes the Universe “forces” us to revisit these place we’ve come from so that we may have the humility, the appreciation and the reverence for life and it’s many cycles, for it’s inherent processes, for the pace required for evolution to occur. We all want to rush through things, impatient like little kids. But the joy can also be found in slowness and the art of delectation. Being back in my hometown made me appreciate a more quiet life, a more simple daily routine. It also made me appreciate how incredible my life in Paris was, how thrilling and exciting each day in this miraculous city is. And the truth is… you’ll be the first one to read this : I know that I will return. I know it for an absolute fact. Being away from Paris made me realize my deep connection to this city, and how even when I am in the deep forrest by myself, Paris is always within me, in my heart. The truth is, as much as I am a fairy nymph who loves to run around barefoot and bathe in rivers, I am also a city girl who loves her coffee dates and her museums. I understand that I am both and love that. I believe that this is also what I am here to bring into the fashion and music industry, this eclectic outlook on life, that you can be and do so many things. That life is too short to put ourselves into cages, that yes we can change our minds, that yes it’s worth it to try, that you should go ahead and adventure.

So to honor these words I’d like to share with you today photos that my dear friend Pauline Darley and I shot at one of my favorite museums in Paris, the Musée Rodin. Rodin was one of those visionary sculptors who was able to tune into the structure of the marble and see the silhouettes hiding within it. The stone was speaking to him guiding him in revealing it’s shape. Rodin’s work can be summarized in one word : Eros. The Eros of life, the Eros of form, the Eros of Art. Eros being this fundamental love, the sensuality that can be witnessed all around. To be around his work always awakens something very special in my heart, one of my favorite pieces being “Le Baiser”. Indeed to me, experiencing his sculptures feels like a tale of visual poetry, where the stone, shaped with such detail, reveals the primordial force of passion itself, the power of touch immortalized by the hands of the artist, carved by the willingness to make others feel this same sensation. The sensation of fascination for voluptuousness as the marble seems as soft as a dove. If you are ever in Paris, make sure to visit this stunning place, you won’t regret it I promise. If you come on a quiet afternoon you might even be able to see some artists sitting around and sketching some of the sculptures.

On another note, I do have a very exciting announcement to make. Those of you who follow me on Instagram already know it. Tomorrow, May 5th 2023 my book “Through The Veils of Mystery” will officially launch! This book has been in pre-order for several weeks now and will of course be shipped in priority to those who have pre-ordered a copy. Tomorrow these copies will be finally shipped out and you will get to experience this very special, sacred text. My prayer is that this text re-awakens your memories like it did for me, reconnecting me to the truth of who we really are and our inherent power and divinity. I also believe that you will meet me through this book in a completely new way and understand everything I have went through in these last 3 years and why so much transformation has occurred. I have traversed the abyss to meet my deepest and highest light, I have died and been reborn so many times through dark nights of the soul like the phoenix, transforming itself through it’s ashes. And I am here, as a humble messenger to share the story of mystery itself, lifting the veils, peeking beyond darkness and meeting ourselves anew. This book isn’t about me. It’s about you. It’s about us, all of us and our collective oneness, union and communion within the grand cosmos and all that is. I know with absolute definite certainty that this book will find those who are ready for it. Those ready to take the next step in their spiritual self-revelation as the whole process is one of knowing thyself and meeting yourself in all of your facets. What’s absolutely fascinating to me, is that my publisher and I have agreed on the 5th of May for the launch date a long time ago and I sure had no idea that on the 5th of May would occur the most powerful Scorpio full moon of the year. As a scorpio myself, I was in awe when I found out about this. Life really knows what it’s doing and these things are surely no mere coincidence. This book will be shared with the world on a Scorpio Full Moon and this book is filled with this energy : the energy of the Scorpio capable of descending in to the deepest darkness to then rise into the highest light, plenty, whole and in divine integrity.

With all my love,

Kristina Bazan

Link to purchase “Through The Veils of Mystery”

Photography by Pauline Darley


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Fashion, Travel Kristina Bazan Fashion, Travel Kristina Bazan

Golden Light

I began the year with a profoundly meaning full trip to one of my favorite cities, beloved Los Angeles. Oh what a joy to be on California Soil again and to delight in it’s energy.

California Soil

As many of you guys know, back in the days I used to be a Los Angeles local. Indeed the first ever apartment I rented was in California and more specifically in Beverly Hills which was quite honestly an absolute dream come true as I grew up like many watching American teen flicks and rom coms. As many artists, I came to America pursuing my dreams and found so much solace and bewilderment in this highly contrasted city. I experienced the highest peaks of socialite living, adventure, crazy parties and lowest lows of absolute misery and solitude. It is quite a common thing to hear when people share about their time in L.A, there’s always somewhat of a bittersweet aftertaste about it. But still so good that we keep coming back for more. You see, the thing about L.A is that it’s a huge urban jungle surrounded by hills and nature. Unlike Paris, New York or London, Los Angeles is surrounded by lush nature and it is so easy to go on hikes or take a break by the beach. As much as you can be a “hustler” out here, a “ go getter” type of person, L.A is filled with people focused on their health, wellness and spirituality. The hippy culture is a big thing here with the Venice and Topanga influence. And you can really feel it when you come here. It’s not always the balanced or harmonious type of spirituality we’re talking about, sometimes it’s pretty much just out there. But you can truly also find actual pearls. Not only are there psychic medium shops every 2 blocks, but you can just sense the mystical atmosphere in the air. One of my personal favorites whenever I’m around is Erewhon, the well known boojee organic super market where you can find the fanciest organic goods, from probiotic sodas to crystal quartz infused ramen noodles, you name it.

So this year kicked off for me in the most surprising way possible as I landed in L.A early January for a project I had with one of the brands I work with. It has been so long ever since I’ve last been in L.A, the last time was for one of my music performances at Hotel Café a couple of years ago. This time I was here on my own and I had some free time before my project. It was so, so so bittersweet and yet honestly incredibly delicious to be back. I felt such an immense nostalgia, driving past all the places where I used to go, feeling like a local again. I went to get my matcha at my favorite usual spot, went to get my groceries and was prepping some favorite snacks in my hotel room feeling like I live here again. Such a profound joy filled my heart and I just knew that I would love California for the rest of my life. I believe that throughout our lifetime we get to discover places that drive an intrinsic connection with our souls, places that make us feel something very special at our very core, places that draw something unique out of us. L.A and Paris do this for me. It’s an unexplainable feeling. A feeling of being exactly where I’m supposed to be. I feel that way often in Switzerland too but yet again it’s somewhat different. California soil has it’s own texture, it’s own hue. And while I was there of course I had to play this very song by London Grammar throughout my entire trip as the very soundtrack of my days.

I was so happy to see some friends I haven’t seen in years. This whole stay felt absolutely magical and I truly realized that I have to come back more often. I’ve always said it, and no matter how cheesy it sounds (you guys know me, I love cheese) I truly believe I am a citizen of the world. Home is where our heart is first and foremost and yet we can grow so fond of certain places. I think L.A and Paris will always feel that way to me. No matter how much I love being back in Switzerland, back in the arms of nurturing mother Gaia, going to the forrest and getting lost in the fields, I know that traveling really does something so special to my spirit. It opens my heart, it soothes everything inside me and more and more I am able to retrieve that feeling in stillness too. It is such a blessing. This Earth is so marvelous with so many places to discover and so many adventures to be had and yet at the same time the wildest adventure we may have is the one happening inside of us right at this very second : with absolutely no need to go or be anywhere other that just fully present here and now.

With all of this being said, those of you following me on Instagram know what I am going to share… as I do have a very special announcement. It’s been two years in the making and I am finally honored a deeply excited to announce the launch of my new book “Through the Veils of Mystery” with my publisher Thought Catalog. This book is very big deal for me. Not only does it go in detail about my spiritual journey but it is also an initiation in and of itself, this text being channelled material. As the book titles explains it, the intention of this manuscript is to pierce the veils of illusions of this reality and to reveal ourselves, to ourselves, unveiling our hearts in the process. The first part of the text is my personal story as well as what happened to me late 2019 during my spiritual awakening. The rest of the text is an initiatory path through poetry as you will be walking through 7 activating gateways. This book has been healing me and transforming me in such profound ways, activating dormant aspects of my consciousness and assisting me on the path towards inner wholeness. The truth is we are already whole, yet there are veils that seem to be keeping us away from that reality. You can see my transformation simply by looking at my photos throughout the years on Instagram. In late 2019 I was drowning in darkness, sadness and melancholy. I was lost, confused. I had anxiety attacks and at times I felt like my heart would stop. After my spiritual awakening and when I started receiving the channelled material of this book, I started to feel clearer, to feel lighter. Answers were coming to me, teachers and guides were showing up. In divine humility I accepted the help, knowing my sensitivity is my power, knowing there is so much more to this life. I found the diamond at the center of my heart, the one that showed the infinite facets of my I Am Presence, the essence of who I am, of who we all are as pure crystalline energy manifesting, creating and experiencing. It is such a profound honor to share this book now with all of you. You can pre-order it by following this link.

Again I’d like to thank you for your support throughout the years, there is so much to come and I am so excited to share this new chapter with all of you. This book goes hand in hand with the music I have been writing as well. By discovering this book, you will get a glimpse at the music I will be releasing in due time. Trusting the blooming.

With my love.


Dress Self Portrait // Boots Lola Cruz

Photography by Lindsay Kindelon


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front Kristina Bazan front Kristina Bazan

Fairy Whispers

Fairy dust and a deeper retrospective on the last couple of years, everything that has happened and all the magical that has occurred. Let’s dive in.

— New Beginnings —

Hi my loves, so happy to be checking in here and taking some time to lay down some words about this summer and the last couple of weeks. I remember the Kayture days when I used to write the longest articles every single day, feeling like time was running out, feeling like if I didn’t share content, if I didn’t release something on the internet : I simply didn’t exist. Since two years I feel like I have been unlearning so many things that have been affecting my mental health in such negative ways, but also appreciating all the incredible life experience I’ve acquired through these many years of working in the digital content creation industry. Appreciating all my hard work, my passion, dedication and will. I am still learning to balance, to find my peace in this crazy fast paced life, to create from the heart and not from pressure, to really allow myself to feel and especially honor my rhythm and body. I used to get sick so much in the past by pushing myself beyond my limits to the point of reaching burn outs and having to sleep for 48 hours straight without food to simply come back to life from over-working myself. I know the “influencer” activity has all sorts of stereotypes associated to it, but from my experience it is an activity so intimate, so inter-twined with personal life where it can be challenging to maintain healthy boundaries.

I feel like when I started Kayture in 2011 I was completely focused on success, I wanted to get myself out there, I was so focused, so determined, so competitive and ambitious. I had this inner fire which could make me work all night and wake up at 6am to get ready for a fashion show, change 4 times in a New York cab on my way to another event and finish the day at a dinner with a hundred people. That’s exactly the life I wanted : I wanted it fast, I wanted it big, I wanted it glamorous. And that’s what I got. However my life was only work. I was struggling so much in my romantic life and very rarely prioritized self care. The money was good, the reputation was good, but my energy levels were reaching their weakest point. So many things happened in the background, friends that betray you, brands who show no respect or loyalty, struggles with food and self image. Something in me was screaming : this is not who you really are. When I dyed my hair black and began focusing more on my music I felt like I began some deep shadow work. I started to look at these deeper parts of myself that needed so much attention, recognition and validation to feel good about myself. I started to look at why exactly am I having such a hard time in my romantic life. Why were my closest friends betraying me? Why weren’t my clients of many years being loyal to me when I felt like I was giving everyone all of me, my time, my efforts, my energy. These questions were starting to open some very deep wounds that I never took time to heal from my childhood and even deeper than that, karmic past life pattern that were becoming apparent. Music became my greatest teacher.

It caused me so much pain when my audience began asking me : aren’t you an influencer anymore? Why aren’t you blogging anymore? I was simply doing it my own way and I had never stopped blogging. You see the thing is, for many people, if you change the format, or if you do things a bit differently, they can’t put you in the same box as before. And I willingly wanted to create outside of boxes. I always had the deep belief that life is my canvas, that my life is my art and my art is my life. I can be a singer, an influencer, a model, a writer, a wife, a mother, a best friend and so much more. I can be all of it. I can change my hair, change my looks, switch it up, have fun. I can be me. I always felt like I had to justify myself to some people and it really took me some time to understand that trying to convince or explain to everyone my decisions is just a waste of my precious time. As a scorpio I work in silence, and then I share the fruits when they are ripe. Also as an empath I deeply care about my audience which I consider to be my soul tribe, my community that made me learn and grow so incredibly much. I pride myself in having so many deeply wise, profound, kind and compassionate individuals on their soul path following my adventures since years, and yes in many ways each opinion matters to me as we are reflections of one another. I am now learning to find the balance of hearing the opinions, being open to the kaleidoscope of view points, and being happy with exactly where I am while always open to learn, educate myself and expand.

As you know I have been living in Paris for the last 5 and a half years. I moved to Paris when I signed with a record label here and Paris became my love. I rented the most delightful apartment which became my temple and wrote so much music in there. Since the last two years though I felt like I was coming to a close of my deep shadow work timeframe. I have explored the literal caves of my being. I’ve been the hermit and with my torch I went all in to see where I needed some deep love and care, where the wounds were still open, where I was still so deeply hurting but showing no one. I realized that you can’t sweep anything under the rug, the more you do, the more certain aspects of yourself will attack you asking you : how could you abandon me? How could you ignore me like this? How could you silence this profound need of mine? You see when you run on empty, you repress so much. And when you open the closet, so much comes out. It’s about loving yourself back to wholeness.

It felt like I went from one extreme, bubble and pop, to the other one, dark and deep, to actually find myself standing right there in the middle : in my sovereignty, in my own self recognition, in my goddess energy as my higher self whispering to me “ Welcome home”. Since my spiritual awakening in 2019, I’ve being doing so much integration work and I understand now that I am the merging of Yin and Yang. I am whole. And that is the new beginning that is happening in my life now as I decided to return back to Source and actually move back to Switzerland to live closer to nature. It has become an actual necessity for me to have my feet in the grass, to sing to the river and have it sing back to me, to gently let trees support and accompany me on my spiritual journey here as a human being. I feel so grateful to be at peace with this decision and I know that I will always have a foot in Paris, as it is my love after all. I know that the calm and serene environment in Switzerland will greatly infuse my content, music and just overall creativity with the power and might of nature’s wisdom which is really what I want to channel into all of my art, whether it is through social media or my other projects. I also want it to be clear, I am so passionate about content creation. No matter what other activities I take on such as music, writing books, or maybe being a mom one day, I will always be a content creator at heart. That is how I started and that is truly something that brings so much joy to me, to have this direct interaction with you guys. So whenever you see that I’m not posting for a while don’t just assume that I quit, or that I’m no longer doing influencer jobs, or that I consider myself only a singer now. I’ve always been here, and I’m not ready to go anywhere. Honestly, I feel like I’m just getting started…

With all my love,


Photography @paulinedarley

Dress : Self Portrait

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Kristina Bazan Kristina Bazan

Prague Getaway

Discover the magic of Prague through an insight into Chateau Mcely’s townhouse apartment in the heart of the city.

A Haven in the Heart of the City

My loves, I hope you are well and enjoying an absolutely fabulous summer. I took a little bit of time to post this article as life these last couple of weeks ( or should I say months ) has been wild, forever changing and quite honestly shaky at it’s core. I remember these days, when I used to write on my previous blog Kayture almost every single day. Now I delight in moments where I hand write in my diary with absolute delectation of the present moment. I do believe that what we create whether it be digital content or tangible art has it’s way of living outside time and space and it is important to trust one’s one pace. It only takes me a second seeing these pictures to reconnect with the incredible energy of the trip to Prague I had the immense joy of enjoying a little while ago with my great friend Ana as we were in high need of a getaway from the busy-ness of Paris.

Since two years I had my eyes on Prague as a very mystical destination. A very underrated city yet with so much culture, such wonderful architecture, such a deep history and especially a very close relationship with the divine, alchemy, mystery and spirituality itself. I had heard of this magical place called Chateau Mcely for a little while and decided to reach out to their team as I was just so deeply intrigued. When a chateau turned into a five star luxury hotel offers a holistic experience outside of the hustle bustle of modern life, a focus on quality and spirituality : you can count me in. The trip was planned, and before actually exploring the Chateau (which I will share about later on) we got to enjoy their townhouse apartment right in the heart of one of Prague’s most coveted neighborhoods. When we arrived, I immediately felt like home, it was a very strange feeling. The apartment strangely reminded me of my own flat in Paris, the Haussmannien style of interior decoration, the minimalism, the elegance, the details, the choice of decor : everything was chosen with such exquisite taste. But the thing that intrigued me the most (besides the Harp which I will come back to as it also deserves it’s own full paragraph), was the book selection. As you enter into the townhouse, you arrive in a gorgeous kitchen and once you walk through it you come across a wisely curated library filled with powerful texts on spirituality and self development : The Celestine Prophecy, Beyond Fear by Don Miguel Ruiz, Quantum Mechanics by Albert Messiah, The Flowering of Grace by Denise Diamond. I asked myself, what is this place !? And especially who in the world did the decoration in here? Ever since I had my spiritual awakening in 2019 I have noticed angel symbols literally following me everywhere and there were two angels sitting peacefully specifically in this library. So of course I had to know who were the founders of this incredible space.

And that’s how we get to the story of the harp. You know how tiring and quite honestly vapid current dating life is, without turning it into a generality, dating life nowadays feels so dull and lacking any romanticism. It feels like the only thing youth cares about it is “something chill” a.k.a devoid of any magic. People walk around with such deep trauma and wounds that they never take the time to work on that when it comes to dating they aren’t open to go deeper than just a chill interaction where nothing out of the ordinary transpires. It just remains on surface level. To be totally honest I have been completely out of the dating game for a while now as I even quite frankly lost complete interest in it after having had my fair dose of “chill encounters” where I would have rather stayed home with a good book. I felt like the magic didn’t exist anymore, that our generation had ruined it through our willingness to numb ourselves through constant distractions and entertainment. Yet my soul seeks the magical, the mystical, the beautiful. And somehow…somehow there are still stories that find their way to my heart.

Such as the story of Inez and James Cusumano, the founders of Chateau Mcely. James gifted the harp to Inez as a token of love and supported Inez with her long life dream of founding and renovating the Chateau Mcely which used to be a private property. I got so intrigued by their love that I actually got curious enough to read James Cusumano’s book called “Balance” where he explains how he met Inez. I believe that when a love between two people is that strong it can move mountains, it can literally manifest the most incredible wondrous things. Love is so much more than something just purely “romantic”, it’s a forcefield, a radiance that is so deeply potent, supportive, uplifting and the truth is : it comes from within and then manifest outwardly through a partner.

The great mystery in life and the reason I believe we are here is to learn how to become masters at energy in all of it’s planes of existence, everything is energy, from your chair, to your computer to the photons of light emanating from the sun, to your pulsing body. Everything is an expression of energy in different forms, on different frequencies and vibratory rates. When we understand this, it becomes clear that what we perceive, and how we perceive has nothing to do you with what’s outside, but everything to do with what’s inside. We are our own medicine. We are our own great love. And if only we can soften our hearts and let go of how the cynical adult society tries to mold us, making us constantly doubt the existence of miracles, we disconnect from the profound prosperity of synchronicities. Yet it just takes re-tuning ourselves to all the divine signs around us, we can then actually remove the gray goggles of austerity we’ve been wearing, the ones that made us believe in unworthiness, separation, the goggles that mades us think “I believe only what i see”. Quantum physics clearly prove that HOW you see, HOW you perceives affects directly what you actually experience. Really feel into this. We’ve learned it the other way around. In fact all of our power is inside, it’s never been outside. And I believe great love comes from that great inner marriage within our hearts, the union of the polarities and the transcendence of duality itself into the recognition of oneness such as all the great wisdom masters such as Buddha have always taught.

This townhouse really made me reflect on some beautiful things, and it was the perfect environment to watch the movie Nossolar on one of the gorgeous Czech evenings during our stay, a movie I highly recommend and which sums up beautifully the contemplation I had during this stay . I will be sharing more about Chateau Mcely as this was just the first part of our stay. I’ve shot so many photos and I am honestly super excited to share them all. Meanwhile please enjoy photography from the townhouse and make sure to check their website for more details if you’d like to also explore this apartment or a stay at the Chateau, it is so, so worth it. I will speak to you very soon again.

To discover more about Chateau Mcely please check out their website :

With all my love, as always.


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Kristina Bazan Kristina Bazan

Satori Garden

Dive into this mystical garden through an enchanting article discussing the various gates of consciousness leading to enlightenment.

Definition of Satori : Satori (悟り) is a Japanese Buddhist term for awakening, "comprehension; understanding". It is derived from the Japanese verb satoru. In the Zen Buddhist tradition, satori refers to a deep experience of kenshō, "seeing into one's true nature". Ken means "seeing," shō means "nature" or "essence". Satori and kenshō are commonly translated as enlightenment, a word that is also used to translate bodhi, prajñā and Buddhahood.

I have no words to express how excited I am to share these images with you today which are filled with so much story and meaning. As you might know if you follow me on social media, I am all about balance and truly tuning into my own creative rhythm, like the cycles of nature or the tides of the moon waning and waxing. Respecting and honoring without forcing or pushing. I believe it is so important to trust our creative process and how it wishes to manifest. Since the beginning of my career I’ve always said that I have no interest in following trends, I’d rather make my own. Although of course some trends are indeed so fun and I love having a playful time with fashion and experimenting with beauty. And this goes as well with how I produce and share content, the energy that is behind it. In a world that seems so incredibly fast paced, I love find safe heavens, digitals portals that lead us into creative temples where we feel transported into our own inner peace. That has always been my wish for Kaza Bazan and I can see how it is manifesting now with the content that is slowly emerging. You can’t force a flower to bloom it has it’s own proper timing, your love will water it with delicate care and optimize it’s growth. That is how I feel about my life. I’ve always been an ambitious woman and my ambition sometimes took ahold of me and of my sanity. Where there is overwhelm there is misbalance. I now love savoring with delectation the sweet pace of my life and working on new projects, including this platform for which I have so many beautiful ideas. But each one in it’s rightful time.

I had heard of this incredible place near Paris called the Parc Départemental Albert Kahn and when I saw images of it, it looked exactly like some gardens I visited when I was in Japan. I have such a deep love relationship with Japan, it’s one of the very first cities I visited when I started my first blog Kayture and it’s culture remains so dear to me : with such a deep reverence for nature, wisdom, detail and slow life. I personally love a balanced life. A mix of passion with hints of contemplation, that’s my cocktail. Of course you could say Tokyo is nothing like this and there are many facets to Japan, like to each country. Yet there is something so fascinating about the Japanese mentality. To me it represents grace and harmony. I instantly felt like this set of image should carry the title of Satori. Above this text you can find the definition of this word which eventually simply means enlightenment. This is how I felt when entering this garden. A deep sense of remembrance or being One with All. I had the absolute delight to work on these stunning photos with my dear friend Pauline Darley who is quite the expert when it comes to discussing the magic of life, art and dreamy landscapes. We talked about our love for creativity, while making these photos in the most spontaneous and heartfelt way. I highly recommend you guys to go and check out her work on Instagram @paulinedarley as she very often publishes stories about her various ancient castles, sacred sites and beautiful enigmatic art visits. I’ve certainly discovered many fascinating things through her unique lense. It’s so refreshing to meet artists and creators who do their own thing, in their own way and don’t necessarily follow the rules of what’s trendy out there. That’s what has always so deeply inspired me, to pursue the path of inner self discovery and being the most authentic creator possible. Authenticity to me is the art of depth, the art of soulfulness. It’s a subtle dance that constantly asks : what’s alive for you right now? How do you love right now? Authenticity always brings you back to the present moment. The present being the gift itself.

Recently I also published a podcast episode in both french and english (you can listen to it here, it’s also available on any other streaming platform of your choosing) on the fascinating topic of culture. It’s so liberating to do these podcasts honestly, it’s just such an open, unfiltered and raw form of expression and I absolutely love it. I also want to thank each and every one of you who wrote me after listening to it as it truly means so much to me and I have so much gratitude and reverence for each one of your stories and feedback. Culture is such an interesting topic as it addresses those aspects of life that bring us together in celebration. Cultural beliefs, cultural ideologies, traditions that shape people, countries and continents. To me the beauty of humanity is it’s eclectic essence, it’s multidimensionality. We are like snowflakes, to each one it’s own unique shape, and yet we are all formed by Water, the Ocean of Consciousness, the Infinite Multi-Verse we are, experiencing itself in this sacred dance. I believe in us writing new stories of unity, of coming together, new stories of brining ourselves back into unconditional love in our totality, all parts and all aspects of ourselves. A new Renaissance. A New Earth such as Eckhart Tolle wrote about in this wondrous book.

I get a lot of questions about what unconditional love really is? How to let go of certain beliefs? How to actually experience Oneness? How to actually feel into the Quantum Field of All and truly know on a visceral level that we are Source experiencing itself. And the only thing I can say is : let life guide you. Let love show you. If you feel like you’ve never experienced love before, if you feel like no one taught you how to love, teach it to yourself, show yourself the path for it’s right there within and you know it. You know what to do, your unlimited, expanded self knows what to do. Surrender to the silence within you. This is the easiest and fastest path. And yet that is the doorstep many are scared to walk. It’s the void energy, that absolute space where all creativity emerges from. That silent ocean from which emerges all music and all vibration. In meditation connect to the very center of your heart and focus on the word Satori and just breath. Listen to your breath and allow it to guide you. Allow your body to guide you back into silence, allow Earth to hold you like a Mother, allow sky to watch over you like a Father, allow the stars to embellish and enlighten your inner gaze like your cosmic, ever-present and ever-lasting brothers and sisters. Allow your deepest wisdom to guide you through the many gateways of your consciousness. Sure some thoughts might arise like waves on an ocean. You get to feel them. You get to let them pass through you. You get to allow the emotions to be and to move. Beyond all this is Satori. It’s right here. It’s right now. Within All and at All times for us simply to tune in.

Spirituality to me is truly the path of integrity, integrity as wholeness, as totality, the path of unconditional love, the path of recognition. Recognizing we are one with all and how the outside doesn’t really exist : it’s an illusion. Without the vessel of your seemingly body : all that is, is consciousness, is the quantum field itself. Your body included is made of vibration. Is infinity. This is the very principle described in Buddhism as Samsara. Samsara is like the most subtle ethereal reality experience : whatever beliefs, whatever thought-forms, whatever identities you assign, whatever stories, whatever emotional charges you experience within in your inner narratives, you will experience externally. Life is truly so miraculous you see. We are infinite creativity experiencing itself. I meditate a lot on wealth and my greatest wish is for all humanity to manifest and experience wealth consciousness as a frequency that simply already exists and that we can attune ourselves to and never look back. I am currently reading the wonderful book called “Abundance” by Deepak Chopra and highly recommend it. I also really recommend the book “Busting Loose from the Money Game” which is another very, very powerful book on wealth consciousness. Don’t get duped by it’s tacky cover. This book is a very profound initiation with a lot of explanation on the latest quantum physics discoveries about our reality and how our mindset, beliefs and ways of thinking completely shape the trajectory of our adventure here. I know how easy it is to blame something our someone for where we are. And yet, to reclaim our sovereignty is to recognize we are infinite creation experiencing it’s vastness through tangible experiences. From a certain point of view the infinity we are, is neutral, it doesn’t judge. It allows for movies and stories to unfold. We are the writers, the painters, the poets. We are responsible : response + able = able to respond. I know it is tempting to think technology will solve all our “issues”. Yet technology always reflects our level of consciousness based on how we program it. And the truth is we haven’t even fully discovered the full vastness of our own inner potentials as studies show that we use only 10% of our brain capacity, that being mostly our left brain which is dedicated to analytical, logical, information synthesis. Can you imagine what happens when we activate the dormant 90%? What happens then? I’ll let you think about it.

So the questions are. If nothing was good or bad, what would you want to experience? If nothing was better or worse, simply experience, what would you want? If you had nothing to learn, what would you want? If you felt no external pressure, no external interference, what would you want? If nothing was destined, fated, or meant to be, what would you want? What are the stories that move you, what are the movies you love, is it what you want?

I’ll let you introspect on these few questions. These are great journal prompts ;)

And I am so deeply delighted to share these pictures with you. Enjoy them and I’ll speak to you very soon.

With all my Love,




Photography : Pauline Darley @paulinedarley

Dress : Sandra Mansour

Clutch : Vintage ( no specific brand or tag )

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Kitchen Kristina Bazan Kitchen Kristina Bazan

The Best Vegan Pancakes

This is my favorite vegan pancake recipe! So easy, effortless and especially particularly delicious.

I believe in an easy, simple and effortless cooking style and lately as I have been spending more time at home, trying out new delicious recipes. It has been such an absolute delight and bliss and is bringing me so much happiness. I’ve literally spent so much time eating out constantly that I almost forgot how incredibly joyous it is to cook : it feels like magic and in fact it really is. Not only do we cook with ingredients that we get to meticulously select but we also cook with emotions, putting love, nurturing and specific intention in the food. As I’ve been sharing a bit on my social media, my body and spirit have really been asking me to spend some time at home in sacred aloneness. It feels like I’ve been in that stage in my life for a little while now and I kept asking myself why is it so as another part of me craves community and gathering. It feels like some of us are being guided towards that and others need to find a balance in togetherness and aloneness. I am sure that I need aloneness to integrate the many rebirths I’ve experienced in the last couple of years and silence feels really sacred and important. For now I just allow myself to dance with the waves of life.

Here I’d like to share with you a super easy pancakes recipe which I’ve been adoring. It’s so simple, so easy and quick and especially… so delicious. No need for eggs, no need for anything too complicated, just your love and some bananas!!! I hope you enjoy these as much as I do. Little note : when I cook, I very rarely check measurements. For me cooking is very instinctive and manual. So please go with your intuition and adapt it to your liking!

Pancakes :

2 Bananas

1 Tbsp Coconut Oil

1 Tbsp Coconut Milk

1/2 Cup Chestnut Flour + 1/2 Cup Gluten Free Flour

2 Tbsp Agave Syrup or Coconut Sugar

1 Tsp Baking Powder

1/2 Tsp Cinnamon

Raspberry Jelly :

Fresh raspberries

1 Tsp Agar Agar

1 Tbsp Agave Syrup or Coconut Sugar

1 Tbsp Vanilla extract

Smash the bananas and add in the coconut milk, coconut oil and agave syrup (or coconut sugar), combine everything together until the texture is as smooth as possible. Then add in the flour as well as baking powder and cinnamon. Oil your pan with a bit of coconut oil and cook palm sized pancakes until golden on both sides.

For the jelly, smash the raspberries and add in your agave syrup or coconut sugar as well as vanilla extract. Then bring it to a boil for a couple of minutes, once the mixture is boiling add in the agar agar while continually swirling the jelly. After 5 minutes you can remove the jelly from the stove and let it cool down before serving.

Serve with :

Coconut Yogurt and Peanut Butter for the most exquisite taste. I also like to top it with rosemary!

Bon Appétit!

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Kristina Bazan Kristina Bazan

Regenerative Breathwork Meditation

In this article we explore the power of the mind and how breath work can be a powerful tool to transcend the stories we tell ourselves, bringing us back into center.

The Wisdom of the Breath

It’s fascinating how the deeper we go into self inquiry and self reflection the more we realize that all the answers, all the solutions are right here, right now. I know it might sound quite funny to say that but I really came to this epiphany (which in fact I already experienced several times before but it’s almost as if my mind wanted to go back to it’s ways of analyzing and complicating things) while I was listening to the audio book of Michael Talbot’s Holographic Universe which is now officially in my top 5 favorite books of all time. Everything in this book is said plain and clear. Indeed we are the co-creators of our reality. Who, or what are we co-creating with though? With the divine power of the infinite universe which actually is us. So we are basically co-creating with our God-Self, the mighty presence we are, the mighty consciousness we are throughout, the We beyond phenomena, the observer and beyond it. Very much like fractal mathematics, as you zoom into a fractal you find a whole infinite universe reflected within it. So basically the universe reflects our micro cosmos and we are all fractals of one another, we are One. What we witness in our lives is that which orbits closely to our awareness. So that which you feed your energy with eventually grows. That last one can be a tough one for many because we often think : but wait a minute, does that mean becoming oblivious to all the pain and hardship of this world if I only wish to create joy and abundance in my life? I’ll repeat it again : you grow that which you feed your energy to. You literally birth it into existence. Even if it’s just a thought form.

So the other day I was watching on Youtube sessions of “The Work” by Byron Katie which are basically self inquiry sessions structured throughout 4 questions. You make a statement, such as a limiting belief you’d like to work on or a thought you’ve been processing such as for example : Every single person I’m attracted to isn’t attracted to me. This is a pretty general one, yet it’s one many of us experience. I at least have experienced that a lot in the past so let’s just dive right in. The four questions are 1. Is it true? Usually we’ll say, well obviously it’s true since it’s my statement and validated by my direct experience of it. As the Holographic Universe states : vibration precedes experience, meaning feeling, thought form precedes the physical manifest of it. Some of us are used to wait for the physical experience to manifest before changing our minds about something, and that’s basically taking it the other round. Then the second one is 2. Can I absolutely know it’s true? Bringing the statement into the realm of the absolute is greatly interesting as it makes us question the foundations of our statement. Then question 3. Who would I be without this thought? In this case without the story I used to tell myself that every single person I’m attracted to isn’t attracted to me, I’d feel deep relief. Question 3 has a deeper process of contemplation than the other ones as you observe it by wondering where in your body you hold that story, when was the first time you began telling yourself that story etc. Then the last question is 4. How can you turn it around? In this case you’d have to find several opposites to your statement. For example : Every single person I’m attracted to is attracted to me / I’m attracted to every single person / I’m not attractive / I am attractive. This is just an example of the work but basically you sit with these opposites and see how each of them makes you feel. The whole goal is to stretch your mind and to integrate other perspectives into your thinking process, recognizing how the stories we tell ourselves are our own projections and as soon as we begin to identify ourselves with one of them, we begin experiencing life from that vantage point.

In her work Byron Katie also says that Loving What Is is eventually the key to liberation because with the process of accepting what is now we recognize the perfection of each moment being a direct biofeedback, reflection of our inner storyline. The universe is so wise, it’s always been and will always be. Anchoring in our deepest faith is trusting that the now moment is what we vibrate and what we are a perfect match to. It can be difficult sometimes especially during hardship to recognize that, yet it’s also a wise way to notice when we punish or reward ourselves for certain thoughts and allows us to transcend this duality. In the Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot he explains how miracle workers and healers are so deeply anchored in their divinity, they are so aware of their oneness with all is that they become masters of reality, they transcend Samsara, they are in this world and yet they are everywhere at the same time.

The reason why I share all this is because in my own practices, some of the things that really helped me let go of a lot was centering my awareness on my breath. It is said that one can’t focus on the breath and overthink at the same time, focusing on the breath quiets the mind immediately. Through breath work we a-tune and atone our awareness to the profound miracle of this Now, we come back into centeredness, we release the Ego’s grip on the willingness to control or dictate, we ease and soothe into the flow of simply being, just like the breath : receiving and giving back, gently and deliciously. I hope you will enjoy this guided breath work meditation, it’s a quick one ideal for mornings or evenings. I will be sharing much more in depth ones soon. For those who are interested in receiving a recording of a more intense breath work activation, feel free to e-mail me :

I will speak to you soon!



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Travel Kristina Bazan Travel Kristina Bazan

Desert Rose

Sharing about the mystical Amanjena Resort, a true Oasis right outside of La Media in Marrakesh.



So obviously it’s been a while since I’ve been back from Marrakesh and I was meant to share all these wonderful pictures with you in due time yet there was always something that seemed to hold me back. It felt so new, in the best way possible trust me, to launch a new platform. Baby Kaza Bazan is getting built slowly and yet surely. I definitely don’t want to rush the process, it’s so important for me to take it step by step and to share deeply genuine content. After working for years on Kayture it definitely was quite strange to start this new chapter and yet a new platform has been calling me for so long and especially the deep need to rally a community centered around deeper more soulful subjects . Starting a new project such as this one is deeply exciting and requires a completely fresh outlook, mindset and innovative approach. There are so many topics I want to address and of course it’s a joy to already begin this process on social media with so many fantastic live interviews and a deeper insight on topics such as spirituality which is really at the center front of my life currently. The reason I am so invested in spiritual work is because I realize that everything streams from it. It really is the foundation of everything. Indeed our beliefs create our reality that’s a fact, but also our words, actions, view points and internal mental systems (meaning our relationship with the visible & the invisible). All this quite literally shapes no only our world but also all of our work. I’ve seen it at play in my music journey so vividly. As you guys might have noticed, and I know you did because many of you have been writing me messages about it, I explored the darker corners of my subconsciousness for a while and this really came about while I was recording my first EP. This whole musical process quickly turned out into a deep self-introspection and quickly opened all the hidden gateways of trapped emotions. Re-reading the lyrics of some of my older songs, I realize the psychological torment I was going through. It was beautiful, because it was like releasing so many things that were “stuck” inside, yet it was also so intense and I am sure you have felt it. I’ve always been hyper sensitive and aware of the intricacies of the world. At a certain point in my life, specifically around the period of the EP recording, I was going through tremendous hardship in my relationships and it seemed to me as if life was a real battlefield and I had to re-calibrate entirely my understanding and relationship with love. It brought up so many of my dormant, unhealed traumas back to the surface which I had the opportunity to put aside for a while as I was traveling and working on Kayture. This is really why there’s this distinctive physical “shift” from pink blondie to dark goth in such a short period of time. Of course the way we look often times transpires how we feel, it was definitely my case. I’ve always been a very bright, luminous human being and I believe my physical transformation quite literally represented me diving deep into the depths of my subconsciousness to heal these wounds that were left open for all this time. Now I celebrate this wholly space of No-Thing-ness within, the silence, the space. It might be my scorpio sun and ascendant that make it all-together even more intense aha, but I have truly made peace with both my light and my shadow and am now integrating on a psycho-somatic level all these breakthroughs. And yet I can truly say that spiritual development is never over, once we think we’re done healing, new aspects of our being come up to be integrated. That’s the beauty of the continuous cycles of self calibration and inner deep nurturing beginning with : inner self acceptance.

Needless to say, I went through a whole meltdown and life review while remaining alive. I had this belief in fact that one can only experience such a life review once you pass away, and yet I can say that it is 100% possible to do it while incarnated. I had the opportunity to review my entire life with a lot of perspective, I re-awakened dormant cellular memories in regards to certain past lives and the very physical effects that had on this life, especially from my birth and on, I learned about my main karmic patterns and how to work with them to eventually shift pattern repetitions. Eventually I learned and still learn every single day how to optimize my experience as a human being on every level of my life, to integrate more awareness into my experience and to truly be, speak and act from a space of absolute peace. It is told that we only use 10% of our brain capacity, all these spiritual modalities when done correctly and with proper intention, meaning genuinely, can actually activate these dormant areas and this is the reality of why and how mystics and professional psychics get to actually see and feel very accurately subtle information. It has been scientifically proven through MRI brain scans. Isn’t that fascinating? It seems that more and more science is confirming what spiritual wisdom lineages have been trying to say for centuries.

My main goal is to be able to bring teachings and concrete methods of self-development through this platform so that you have everything in one place to reach your goals of self-mastery and realization, we are honestly doing it all together. I would like to appear as a guide, guiding you on your own journey, providing techniques, trying them out myself before actually bringing them to you. There are so many so to say “spiritual movements” nowadays and I’d like to be your way-shower in the sense of actually coming to you with embodied experience as someone who’s tried out and is still working with what’s out there and giving tangible feedback on what works and what doesn’t whether it’s books, means of mediation, different healing techniques and so on. So make sure to stay tunes as much will be shared in the following weeks. I’d like to thank you as always for your love, your support and your presence which truly mean the world to me. The photos I am sharing in this article were shot at an absolutely mesmerizing location in Marrakesh, the Amanjena resort slightly outside la Medina. Amanjena is truly an oasis of peace. After a year of almost 0 travelling (you can imagine how challenging it was at first for me as my career always evolved around travel for so many years) it was absolutely phenomenal to arrive to such a safe haven of beauty with such a profound sense of mysticism. Thanks a million times to Amanjena for hosting us so dearly, for welcoming us with such warmth and care. We truly felt like queens and I hope that these pictures here can give you a glimpse of what it actually felt like to be there. In these photos I am wearing the beautiful brand Les Inconnus. I hope that you’ll enjoy this editorial shot by my talented friend Iulia Matei.

As always, with all my love.


Photography : Iulia Matei

Outfit : Les Inconnus

Location : Amanjena Resort - Marrakesh

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Music Kristina Bazan Music Kristina Bazan


Happy to share with you some heartfelt words regarding my new song “Nothing” that just came out right on time for the Sagittarius Eclipse Super Full Moon.

Writing has always been a powerful therapy for me. So I am considering this article as a beautiful healing opportunity and as a part of the many other practices I have implemented in my life for personal and spiritual growth. It is so deeply exciting to be releasing a track today. My new song “Nothing” just came out on all streaming platforms ( you can listen to it here and view the clip down bellow) and I’m definitely so profoundly excited for all of you to hear it. My friend Mus Bruiere and I worked together on this project, he’s an incredible producer and composer and came up with simply the most beautiful guitar arrangement and my beautiful Argentinian muse Sofia Fanego co-directed with my this music video which depicts our truest deepest feelings about this song : freedom, simplicity, nature and liberation. Today is an intense Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse and it’s definitely bringing a lot up to the surface. This full moon is all about releasing obsolete belief systems and we can all agree as a collective that’ve been holding for quite a few of them that truly no longer serve us any longer. So for me this is the occasion to open up and get real vulnerable and honest with you guys. As you might know when I moved to France I signed with an indy label and released my first EP. Needless to say that although there were many great experiences and opportunities that I am deeply grateful for, it was a very complex experience where I didn’t really feel like I could fly exactly as I should and as I truly can. End of 2019 I had the blessed opportunity to leave the label and start anew. You should have seen my state, it was really hard. Not gonna lie. But I knew it was the right thing to do and I am in profound thankfulness now that I was able to move on as so many artists get “stuck” in unhealthy label deals.

Ever since end of 2019, I’ve been re-building my self esteem, re-imagining my entire musical project and just career path in general. Alongside with this I had a super intense spiritual awakening which felt like a lightening bolt flashing through my third eye, and so many things in my life just simply didn’t make sense anymore : particularly a lot of friendships which I had to let go of. So imagine within a few months, I left the label I thought I was going to release my first album with, I said goodbye to friends I used to hang out with since 2012, then the pandemic happened… On top of all that I started distinctively hearing my spirit guides, and thank god for them. Thank god they were around to tell me I am loved and deeply nurtured because otherwise I think I would have lost my marbles. I remember lying on the floor of my living room November 2019, sleeping there for 4 nights in a row, and just repeating to myself I had nothing to loose anymore (how symbolic that this song is called Nothing, isn’t it). When that happened, my spirit guides came to me with some very profound information regarding what was going to happen. I had no idea that there was going to be a lockdown in 2020, yet they started to explain to me things I never heard of about health, our chakras, the earth. They also said I wouldn’t be able to release much music for a while which I was really confused about as that’s all I cared about. I filled in several note books with information they dictated to me and still to this day I am figuring out what I shall do with this information, but I guess when the right time comes they will be guiding me as I truly belief these notes should be published in a book format.

Flash forward to now. I am happy as I was able to go back into studio and work on some music with new people, especially glad as I’ve been expressing myself more and more on social media channels regarding spirituality and that’s been so fulfilling. I needed to speak my truth so much. I felt like for all this time my throat chakra has literally been blocked. In fact, I feel like one can hear it if listening to my first EP, it just sounds like something isn’t flowing in the throat meridian. And that’s because I wasn’t fully speaking up. I was already feeling all the corruption going on in the media and industry at the time, but felt like that was just the price to pay to play the game. Today I realize : it sure is not. So in 2020 I began doing a lot of research, educating myself from different outlets and speaking with many different people and the whole pictures began getting more and more clearer. If you’d like to understand more about this : check out the documentary Thrive 2. I’m not going to go into the details of all this in this article yet what I can say is that so many deep lies within our societal constructs have been perpetuated and it’s been affecting all work fields. I began expressing myself more and more on these topics, to broadcast with clarity my findings. However, I began noticing that my content started to get censored, shadowed and that my engagement was so little compared to all the quality content I was posting and especially compared to my engagement a couple months back before I began talking about all these things. I simply couldn’t understand how that could possibly happen. And yet, that’s not a good enough reason for me to stop sharing what’s really important. So my state of mind is that if it can reach even just one person and change someone’s life for the best, bring positive healthy inspiration : that is a good enough purpose for me. Everything I share, I have applied and practiced diligently. I like to say that my life is my greatest field of expertise. It’s been really hard for me though to let go of the “numbers game” as my career as an influencer was constantly all about numbers and then signing with the label as you can imagine it was all about numbers once again. So as I began working 100% freely and independently, I asked myself : so if numbers aren’t the priority, what is it then? And the answer was super clear : quality, authenticity, deep energy, communion. I believe that happiness is about doing what fulfills you, being in full presence and surrendering to the divine energy that always is within, even if that means taking alternative routes and even eventuality forging your own road which is what I am currently doing.

I am deeply passionate about writing and I could never stop sharing articles as I love it so much. Also the more I become initiated into Spiritual practices the more I realize how much I have to offer and that I must, absolutely must make it a huge part of my offering. So I am diligently working on that assisted by some very powerful mentors and teachers guiding me along this way so that I may be of the highest service to you divine beings. Of course, music is my deep love and I hope to be able to utilize the power of music as a true potent healing modality. To actually release “Nothing” it took us an entire year to finalize everything regarding this track. And of course I remain optimistic regarding the numbers, without expecting anything. It is definitely challenging to release music without a record label, without any team, without a manager, without a PR team… But slowly and surely I’ve been surrounding me with friends who dearly and kind-heartedly support me on my journey as we rise alongside. This is why your support is so deeply important. If you enjoy this song, please don’t hesitate to add it to one of your playlists on Spotify or to simply share about it online. It makes such a huge difference.

With much love as always.

Yours truly,


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Esoteric Kristina Bazan Esoteric Kristina Bazan

The Art of Divination

Discover insights on the ancestral art of divination, how to utilize these valuables tools in your process of self-discovery and creativity.


- Know Thyself -

As this article is being posted, we are entering into a very powerful and symbolical timing of the astrological year. Tonight we are celebrating the Full Moon in Scorpio and as a fellow Scorpio, I thought it would be the perfect occasion to not only honor this brand new platform but also share with you an in-depth article on a subject I am particularly passionate about : the art of divination.

There are many ancient wisdoms and arts that we can put in the category of divination, although I am not one to enjoy labeling things I would say that divination is a way to connect on a non-physical level to current energies influencing the collective psyche and consciousness. To tap into this understanding, we’ve used different tools throughout the centuries such as astrology, tarot and oracle cards, I Ching, palm reading, crystal grids, shamanism, pendulum scans and the list goes on. What all these arts have in common is that they focus on the energy patterns and dynamics to provide a powerful introspective guidance and insight. Although some people approach all this with a lot of skepticism and indeed I agree it is always good to have a discernment check and not necessarily believe everything you’re being told, I find it especially beautiful tools for a better understanding of our subtle flow and how our inner subconscious world operates.

Let’s talk about this Super Full Moon in Scorpio and about astrology in general. Indeed astrology provides a beautiful look into the various planetary energies orbiting around us, thus influencing our inner tides. Such as the water in the oceans and lakes rises and falls with the movements of the planets and particularly the moon, so are human beings also highly influenced by cosmic energies moving at all times. Does this mean everything is already written in the stars and somewhat pre-determined? No. We live in a quantum universe and you always have a free will choice in regards to your actions. However what these spiritual sciences teach us are the different cyclic patterns operating the Universe in constant movement and providing us with a larger outlook on how we can co-create our reality even more efficiently and optimally. Indeed depending on your vibrational state and free will choices you can completely shift timelines. For a better understanding you can visualize a tree with exponential branches. This tree mirrors your neurological pathways as well as the quantum field itself. So when you do a reading you can tap into these various timelines to then calibrate to the most optimal one you’d like to experience. Of course a lot goes into this, such as cleansing karmic data. You might be already aware of your sun sign which is pretty much the key sign of your zodiac, if you wish to introspect a bit deeper on your astrological chart I would recommend the app Co-Star which brings great insight. Once you study it a bit closer you realize that all the planets orbiting in your system have a certain amount of energetic influence on you, and that’s why we can really utilize the power of full moons and new moons to manifest, set new intentions and release that which no longer serves our highest purpose.

This particular full moon focuses on our underworld. What does that mean? It means it focuses on our subconsciousness or as Carl Jung would say : on the archetypal gateways of our consciousness. Indeed Carl Jung is a pioneer when it comes to studying the wonders of the human subconsciousness and how complex and intricately woven it is. Indeed we could compare it to the Mother board of a super quantum computer and your subconscious would represent all the programs running on your back router. In your conscious state, your brainwaves are operating in beta mode. Which means, these are mid-range brain waves that allow you to think and operate quite rapidly within your surrounding environment. Yet with focus, meditation and introspection you can access deep states of awareness and concentration, lowering your brainwaves to theta mode and this is where you can begin to work and access your “subconscious files”. When you do a session of regressive hypnosis this is what happens, the practitioner guides you in slowing down your brainwaves to focus on subtle data contained within your subconscious mind. Why this process is so delicate is because the human psyche has layers upon layers of protective mechanisms, protective survival instincts so to say that obviously don’t allow anyone to just have an easy access to this precious back router which informs so many of your life choices and decisions. Yet if you really want to change certain things in your life and truly heal of certain trauma, this is where you need to begin the work. This full moon will bring up naturally these deep subconscious elements for your own examination to occur, you are your own guide and your own healer. The scorpio sign puts particular emphasis on sexuality, power as well as our relationship to death and birth. All the topics we tend to put indeed in the subconscious folder of our understanding of life. The process of integration and healing is to make the unconscious conscious, to actually bring light to all these “hidden” aspects of ourselves and to address them with care and respect while making the necessary adjustments. Again bringing back the analogy of a mother board, you could think of giving yourself a re-calibration, a fine-tuning upgrade while integrating in more of who you truly are into your daily operating reality.

What is truly and especially powerful with the different arts of divination is that it will guide you very subliminally and in a very subtle way on your own path of self-discovery. Using tarot or oracle cards for example is a very powerful method. Your body needs to be very relaxed to pull cards, depending on your way of shuffling them (there are many wonderful videos on how to learn to read oracle and tarot cards on Youtube) your brain will always try to analyze and make sense of the information in a very linear way. Indeed we have a tendency to question all spiritual experiences in our life wondering if it’s just a coincidence, yet as the ancient art of Chinese divination “I Ching”, also called the book of changes, reveals to us : what these methods do is by pulling random cards or even random sticks of wood which is what you do in I Ching, the natural patterns and properties of hasard contained within the very moment as you’ll be pulling the oracle or the wood sticks indicate a cosmic pattern. You basically read the fabric of the now moment which contains all information about past, present and future as well as which timeline you currently are situated on. Life is entirely made of coincidences which aren’t coincidences at all. I particularly love working with oracle cards as they provide with a lot of flexibility and allow for a very open intuitive interpretation and reading. My favorite ones are the Starseed oracle cards by Rebecca Campbell. While Tarot cards can go very deeply into specifics of your current circumstances, oracle cards will provide a larger insight of the current energy dynamics in your life and allow you to integrate what resonates. I like to begin my sessions by simply asking the cards to speak to me and share with me the message that needs to be heard, I quiet my monkey mind which always tries to logically understand everything and I step into a state of surrender and receptivity : this is really key. Then I shuffle the cards until one or a few pop out naturally. Pay attention to your sensations, to your feelings when you do this, keep a little journal next to you to write down some words if any come to mind. You can also ask specific questions and see if any cards pop up. I’ve also noticed that this a great tool for artists who might have a writer’s block as oracle cards provide powerful creative insights and guidance.

Another technique I find to be incredibly powerful and beautiful is creating crystal grids. If you are common with crystals, they are very powerful tools to ground energy, each crystal having it’s own specific properties. It is great to charge your crystals on a full moon typically placing them in a large bowl filled with filtered water and a bit of Himalayan Sea Salt and letting them rest the whole night under the full moon. The water will naturally react to the light rays emitted by the moon and the crystals will charge up on subtle energy. You will be able to then charge them up by holding them in your hands or cleansing them with sage. Crystal grids are often used in shamanism and light-work as they provide a great template to ground and earth subtle abstract information into this realm. You can use specific stones of determined color to work on certain areas of your life : for example if you wish to work on your communication, your ability to express yourself authentically in the world it is good to work with light blue crystals assembling them into a circular shape and invoking the different elements : Water, Air, Fire and Earth. What is very important here to consider is that all these practices are activated by one main element : your intention. Indeed if you begin this practices with disdain and disbelief you will literally see 0 results. Trust me, been there. Indeed, intention is truly the alchemical fuel for these subtle arts. And I really highlight the importance of the word subtle. Remember, we are here working with energy and not necessarily with what you can directly see with your eyes. This is why before doing all these practices, it is good to begin by engaging and getting stable in a daily meditation practice, clearing and activating your awareness of your own subtle energy fields, doing certain exercices to really get in tune with all the micro subtle frequencies your body is made of, so that you have this foundation to proceed with. Indeed having this base is very important as it will quiet your mind when it will try to make logical sense of subtle/invisible experiences.

Another way to really give yourself purpose and validation is to get your friends on board and to actually do some ceremonies together, chanting mantras together, exchanging healing invocations and/or prayers, give each other oracle card reading etc… Everyone is welcome to learn and to have fun while holding a safe space for each other with the highest, most optimal intentions for everyone. The last thing I’d like to mention is the art of journaling. Journaling is such a powerful way to introspect. In fact, Neal Donald Walsh began writing his powerful book series “Conversations With God” this way. He intended initially to write a novel and had a writer’s block. He then decided to begin a written process of self inquiry and what came out was Source itself speaking throughout him. Now another very important reminder : One is All and All is One. Emptiness is Form and Form is emptiness. All spiritual lineages teach us one thing : you are source experiencing itself. This is also what your direct experience with reality in fact teaches you as you don’t need a lineage to confirm that for you. It’s just a friendly reminder. We all have direct connection to God, to Source, to the Universe as we are fractals of it. We are literally god consciousness in flesh. So indeed when Neal surrendered to his blank page, he received a flow of information from his higher self speaking on behalf of source itself, which he is and we all are, providing a super powerful text loaded with absolutely brilliant information.

So I hope that tonight and in the next couple of days you will surrender to your own divinity guiding you each step of the way, stepping indeed brightly into your courage to dive deep into your subconsciousness and walk throughout the gates of your awareness. Remember to ground deeply into the Earth’s very heart center (there are some great mediations for that on Youtube you can simply search grounding meditation) and connect from the top of your head to the One Source of all That Is, Mother/Father God, Universe, Infinite Quantum field. Keeping in mind that words matter very little in subtle energetic planes as all is energy. Our human conception of god is very limited, if this is a word that you have a hard time with, try visualizing the source of literally ALL points of view. The source of all consciousness animating all of reality simultaneously and at all times throughout the multi-verse. It is both everything and nothingness at the same time. Also keep in mind that nothingness isn’t truly “empty” as we understand it. Again you need to go beyond linearity here. Indeed what quantum physics show us is that emptiness, spaciousness, infinity, is actually made of energy. And what else do we know : energy is alive. Energy is consciousness. Energy is Source, is God, is All that Is. Know that you are safe and always dearly held by the warm embrace of Mother Gaia. You can invoke your guardian angels, your own higher self to protect you while you surrender deeper into your own self-exploration. Your higher self is the omniscient fully energetic aspect of who you are. Indeed you are in your higher-self and not the other way around. Kirlian photography depicts it very well : there is an energetic field all around and within your body, also called the aura. Your aura is in your higher self and you have several layers to your subtle body also called dimensional planes of consciousness. In the photos bellow you will see some of my favorite books on all these topics and if you have any questions what so ever, any video requests, feel free to pop on Instagram and slide me a little DM!

Sending you much love and may you rejoice in all these gorgeous practices.



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Travel Kristina Bazan Travel Kristina Bazan

The Beauty of Marrakesh

Dive deep into the mystical Moroccan ambiance throughout this docu series shot at the whimsical Riad Dar Darma in the heart of Marrakesh.


Surrender to the Miracle

Well, first of all : WELCOME TO THIS NEW PLATFORM! I am honestly so excited and happy about this. It took me a long time to take the decision to switch platforms and yet I am truly beyond words as I eventually took the leap of faith. Kayture still very much exists and is live, I will be keeping all archived articles up on there however the website just didn’t feel right for where I am headed currently with my career, the decisions I am making and the environment I wish to create. I felt like I needed something lighter, a complete new chapter, new step. I feel like I need to honor the past and step into the new now. Also the platform I was using at the time wasn’t as user friendly as the interface I aim to create here where everything will be centered in one place : Youtube videos, articles, meditations, music and even eventually some other surprises that will follow along.

If you’ve been following me for a while then you know how much I love writing. It’s always been one of my biggest passions and so obviously I need a proper website where I can share freely and openly with all of you. There have been so many wonderful things going on, amidst the current challenges I find ways to stay in clarity, in peace and especially in serenity. I hope that you’ve been able to follow some of the great IGTV sessions we’ve been doing on Instagram, we’ve had such incredible guests on and truly powerful conversations which I think are so highly helpful to navigate the current circumstances, bridging the gaps of knowledge and coming to an even wiser and grander understanding of life and all of it’s complexities.

I’ve been working on a lot of new music these last couple of months, patiently taking the time and not rushing the process. I do it when I feel like it, when it feels absolutely 100% right an authentic while also I’ve been so happy to focus on Youtube content and the possibility to have even more in depth conversations with you all on very important topics such as Spirituality, Health and Wisdom. I really recommend you guys to check out the latest IGTV we did with the great Quantum Kassy (@quantumkassy on IG) where we talk about Alien Life, Extraterrestrials, Ancient Wisdom and so much more. All of this to say, there is much creativity pouring and I hope to offer you much inspiring content assisting you in your own journey of grace and divine remembrance.

Now let’s talk about this incredible trip in Marrakesh. I was so excited to travel as it’s been months since it was possible for me to do so. My heart filled with gratitude, my eyes with tears of joy I arrived on this holy land with my whole soul fully open to regeneration, holy healing and divine surrender. I meditated every single day, in absolute communion with this powerful land. For the first time of my life I decided to actually fully strip naked and do a whole body sun charging which I’ve never done before. I’ve used to be very shy about my body but these last couple of months, doing so much inner work I realized how important it is to physically honor myself and charge my whole being with the holy healing power of the sun. There were so many corners of my body I needed to bring to light and it felt like an absolute blessing to lay bare on the ground, charging up on the sun, naked and free and just surrender to myself and to the sky. I began my trip this way, this was the very first thing I did while arriving. So I can tell you : I was charged up to fully enjoy this adventure.

Marrakesh treated us with so much love, so much care and nurturing. It felt like a gigantic hug. The scents, the smiles and the spices tickling our noses, I traveled with two of my girl friends and I can truly say we were treated like the queens we really are. While exploring the souk we had the most heart warming conversations with the locals who were so happy to welcome in travelers as their businesses have severely suffered due to current circumstances. It was an honor to support local commerce to our extent. I was amazed to see the freedom at heart of these people who knew exactly what is going on and who spoke about it very clearly and openly. It felt like I came here for that, I came here to witness humanity’s sovereignty in pure divine action, people smiling, rejoicing, staying wise and grand even throughout challenging circumstances. It soothed my whole being.

Throughout the whole stay I kept my journal very close, writing and communing within the now. It was also deeply meditative and contemplative to film the Marrakesh vlog which you can find at the end of this article if you haven’t already seen it on Youtube. In this article it is my joy to share with you photos we shot at the beautiful Riad Dar Darma in the very heart center of Marrakesh. Riad Dar Darma is truly a hidden haven in close proximity to the souk, the ambiance and interior is superbly mystical and sensual with an eclectic diversity of materials and oriental details. We enjoyed the most wonderful late night conversations in this mysterious environment around beautiful vegetarian tajines and home cooked dishes. What’s really lovely is that a Riad is very much like a town house more so than a hotel. So the approach is very human, convivial and intimate offering you a very rooted and authentic experience of the city while also reminiscing in the absolute beauty of high quality savoir faire. I hope you will enjoy these images as much as it was creating them and if you ever stay there, let them know you got the recommendation from here and I promise you they will welcome you with the upmost care and arms wide open. I wish you a beautiful discovery and sending you as always my dearest wishes and many blessings.



Photography : Iulia Matei

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Holistic Kristina Bazan Holistic Kristina Bazan

The Wholly Pantry

Learn about healthy holistic ways to boost your immunity, while nurturing a safe and creative space in your kitchen.


Boost your immunity.

I am so excited to share today’s article, as I have been talking about it for a while now on IG. It’s such an important time to discuss smart and clever ways to boost our immunity system. As I was mentioning it in my latest Youtube videos that you can check out by clicking here, illness is caused by energetic distorsions of all sorts and sometimes this can be very subtle to notice and especially to understand the root cause. Think of your body as a divine power outlet that alchemizes incredible amounts of energy in and out. Good healers will always tell you, to alleviate a nasty symptom you need to address the root cause of it. Think about the meaning we give to certain situations in life, how we react to it which is a purely subjective perception for each being, and how someone will get sick (for example being in the cold for hours, one person might get sick, the other one not).

We were just talking about it on the phone with my grandmother, and it goes way beyond your predetermined disposition at birth. It’s something you can truly co-create with on if you’re willing to put honest diligent work into it. Studies on the placebo effect have shown how much our bodies react to our thoughts and emotions. Many will say, well how do I switch from a reaction state to certain emotions, knowing it fires and triggers harmful chemicals in the body? Well first of all, meditation helps tremendously. Meditation has proven to light up the different areas of your brain AND body to release healing biochemistry. That’s one thing. The other aspect of it is letting nature help us. Nature’s wisdom is literally encoded with Source messages that our bodies can understand on a subliminal level.


I remember once recommending to a friend to take some organic Valerian Root tablets to help with her severe anxiety. She used to only take prescribed modified chemical medicine and had huge issues with her kidneys (which process and detoxify our body). The Valerian Root helped her so much and so smoothly she was chocked and of course was like : why don’t they teach us this in schools? Why don’t doctors prescribe this when we go in for a regular consultation? Well, the pharmacy industry profits many. I used to take a hormonal pill and trust me, my gynecologist was absolutely up for it although my body was not. Just like genetically modified foods, our bodies don’t understand this type of encoding. It’s neither natural nor direct. It might work on a certain level until it piles up and short-circuits the system. Of course it can seem as a challenge nowadays to eat 100% natural. And yet that’s the real absurdity of the current situation and how far out it got. Sure we had to provide food for a lot of people, like really a lot, and yet since when did we become so childish and immature in our approach to our own inner depth/needs and to our environment? Think about it, when a vegetable or fruit is exported it might loose by 45% of it’s nutritional value just because it’s been sitting in a box while being transferred to your local super market. Think about going on a cure of only farm to table products? I can tell you, your acne, anxiety or eczema would literally go away within days. And not just thanks to the food, but because you’d understand the energy shift on a subliminal level. I also know precisely of many people who healed from very severe illnesses by combining serious spiritual work with a holistic diet and help of medicinal plants such as mushrooms, certain specific roots and tinctures. We are such miraculous beings, we’ve just been conditioned to forget it. You’re not just an actor in the economical system. You are a vector of light. Your true nature is love. You are inherently divine, whether you like this word or not. Beyond corrupted stigmas and/or doctrines, you actually are absolutely wholly and don’t let anyone tell you anything else. This doesn’t mean we don’t make mistakes. It simply means we have a profound ability to heal, to atone, to embody gratitude within and without, to be at peace and in peace throughout all levels and planes of existence.

I usually don’t like the word “witches” because of all the negative stigma associated to it and because many witches practiced very dark spell work and manipulated energy to their advantage or to the advantage of power distorsions (love spells for example, which create tremendously negative family karma) and yet most of the healers of the time and nurses were witches. So let’s use the word light workers. As Kirlian photography shows us (read more here), certain foods have a very high vibrational light ray potency. This is why many people work on activating their foods through fermentation processes or sprouting methods to really optimize the nutritional value of what they’re eating. All of this to say, our kitchen is really where the miracles happen and it’s time to remember that and put all our loving energy into it when we’re cooking, and I really mean it. Many people wonder why they get sick yet they only put effort when they’re faced with a severe condition. This needs to come to stop and we need to reclaim our ability to heal ourselves with all the gifts nature is blessing us with. Mother Gaia is so abundant, so resourceful. All you gotta do is just be a little curious and open minded and stop following public opinion like it’s the holy grail of everything. Learn to think for yourself, you’ll thank me later and those around you will eventually thank you as well. Remember : you allow by being. So what do you allow? What do you consent to? Don’t forget that with the economic pace of the last couple of years, people were mostly eating in front of their computers, not even fully grasping or even understanding the terrible c chain impact that this hamster wheel rhythm had on the environment. The rush to the profit created such extreme distorsions that we need proper re-focus, presence and healing now more than ever.

It might be a “hard pill” to swallow (lol) but actually, what I’m inviting you to consider is that this pill might be a soup or a tea with some added dried herbs which can truly give you so many benefits when implemented on a regular, mindful and present basis. So instead of turning to a chemical that your body will require a break to process, my recommendation is to make it easy for you to turn to natural alternatives that are even more potent and efficient. So many incredible companies are reclaiming this sovereign power to stand again in our full presence when it comes to our awareness and discernment regarding health and I too will prone this as loud and clear as I can. I’ve been used to hospital beds since I’m a child, have been sick so many times until I fully established my profound need for spiritual healing which means : un-programming viral corrupted belief systems from our brain and giving ourselves a fresh slate to heal with medicinal plants and wholly foods. If these words are triggering you, then you may, with my deepest respect close this article now. It’ll always be there for you if you need it and if you decide to open up to this. Yet many people have such a hard time letting go of their negative habits for comfort reasons. What if this idea of reassurance is actually affecting your mental and physical health on such a level that there’s nothing really comforting about it after all? Yes you can enjoy foods you love meanwhile you can choose much more sustainable alternatives that are better for your psychological, neurological and spiritual wellbeing while also supporting local farmers, eco-friendly companies, communities and companies who put much love in crafting animal friendly and environment friendly produces.

Now, many will say : but this is so expensive. It is not. Money is energy. How many times do we need to hear this. By investing in your health, investing in your choices and pantry, you literally give yourself credit and margin for you will notice your outlook, feeling and energy improve drastically. It might not feel like a quick fix right away, and yet trust me when I say this is money you’ll have back in your pocket for all you’ll save yourself. Support yourself. This is what I’m saying. And support a circular economy, that respects nature and respects us as human beings. There are truly ways of honoring and blessing our foods. Through ritual, prayer, gratitude. Many studies, specifically the one lead by Dr. Masaru Emoto (read about it here) show that praying on your glass of water will change it’s crystalline structure. This is not magic, this is the miraculousness of life. Water reacts to the waves of energy it’s in relationship with. It will literally merge into a new structure. Make it a habit to pray on your tea, on your coffee, to bless your wholly cup of water. And yes you can do that for your soup or even when you’re making a salad. Eat foods that are alive and lively. Give yourself this delicious nurturing and share it with your friends. You deserve it.

So now, let’s go into specifics. With the current global health situation, we need to get super real. I’ve been consulting with so many teachers and practitioners that claim loud and clear that what’s happening is a reflection of a deep state and specifically linked to the Crown chakra (the chakra where you you connect to Source and receive downloads from the quantum field). This goes into deeply rooted beliefs about who you really are as a human being. You are a multidimensional energetic being. That’s who you really are. Everything is energy. You are energy. Many people, upon their conscious or unconscious knowing willingness create blockages, because they are afraid : for example afraid of the invisible, afraid of love, afraid of freedom, of success, afraid of spirits, afraid of what others might think, afraid of the degree of corruption within their governments and the list goes on. All this, creates obstructed neurological pathways and eventually illness. Everything is quantum energy. Your body is capable of developing it’s own anti-bodies and adapting to really rough environments. It’s really about being at peace within the wholly trinity of Spirit, Mind and Body and to really be honest about it : where do you still hold triggered beliefs of anger, resentment or fear? Are you truly aligned and at peace within your spirituality? Are you really speaking your truth? Are you capable of thinking for yourself no matter what anyone says? Even if you live in the middle of I don’t know where, you can still gather roots, plants, pray on your water, create moments of gratitude to bless your food and choose an animal and environment friendly diet. And remember : meditating is FREE. Connecting to your ancestors and cosmic guides is FREE. The trigger point for many of us is how much food is socially conditioned. I remember when I told my grandmother I didn’t want to eat meat, it was a huge offense for her because in her generation eating meat was a symbol of wealth and kept you warm and strong. Yet I know, because I used to eat meat and stopped when I was about 14, what it did to my hormonal levels, my cortisol levels, my acne and depression on a biochemical and also on a spiritual level. It took me a lot of time to explain to her my decision. I know that she still eats meat, yet I also know she has a new found respect for the incredible power of vegetables and fruits, nuts and all sorts of herbs that contribute to the nutrition we truly deserve.

Eat with your heart, that’s all I am saying. Listen to your discernment. Listen to your gut. Perhaps certain things that work for others don’t work for you, you need to honor that. We are cyclical beings, both women and men. We might not need to eat the same things everyday. So abolish your diets. Please, give yourself this gift. Eat with joy, with surprise, with intuition and mindfulness. It doesn’t need to be complicated at all, I promise. And also, give yourself a moment to breath before eating. Don’t rush it. Feel the food going in your belly and really say a profound thank you. Having experienced several phases of eating disorders in my life and knowing friends who still struggle with it, especially in the fashion industry (although it affects so many people world wide) I know that food is so profoundly linked to our spirituality. Just know, you are fully welcomed as you truly are : in your wholly health. What does being healthy mean to you now? Answer this question and RECLAIM IT. Bless your soul and spirit by honoring a holistic sacred approach to food. Let’s stop this abuse, mistreatment and punishment of ourselves. It is time. It is time to reclaim our sovereignty and to illuminate and integrate our shadows. Although we mentally try to convince ourselves to believe certain lies, deep down we do know the truth. And no one’s gonna take that away from you. So trust yourself. It might take a little moment to un-install all the vicious viral beliefs and programing you hold deep regarding food or even yourself, yet you have all the tools, all the books, all the information now to make your research and to really integrate that smoothly into your life.

With this being said, let’s go into a more in depth glossary of different miracle potions I love to surround myself. That’s why I called this article the Wholly Pantry. Because we are wholly and divine beings and it is time to eat in a way that supports the reality we care to manifest. While doing spiritual work this year I realized how the color of each food is directly linked to the vibration of our chakras. So when you feel a certain ailment in a specific part of your body, you can come to this little glossary to help you understand which food can help you with what you are going through. Remember it’s not just about the colors specifically, each product can have overall effects on your entire system. So if one food is listed in one category, it doesn’t mean that’s it’s benefits aren’t just as valid for your whole body. You know what they say it : a good meal is a rainbow meal! This is both valid for raw or cooked produce as well as powders and tinctures. So go ahead and explore, for it is so much fun.

Your chakras are wheels of subtle energy. Each chakra is a temple of divine alchemy and intelligence storing your story. Imagine a rainbow where each ray of color holds it’s vibrational story in the form of certain archetypal representations. They each carry your life information as well as your intra-life data (re-incarnation data, ancestry, karma etc…). Some chakras might get blocked and obstructed if you hold destructive beliefs, this influences the whole flow of the chi in your body. I would recommend to have a little book at home about each chakra specifically. I have “Le Petit Livre des Chakras” published by Larousse which is truly great. So often when I need an answer I open it up and there it is. There are also similar english versions such as “The Little Book of Chakras” by Patricia Mercier for example or “A Little bit of Chakras” by Amy Leigh and Chad Mercree.

Root Chakra Muladhara (Color : Red) – Stability, Sexuality, Foundation

  • Beetroot – Improves blood flow, cognitive functions

  • Strawberries – Passion healing, blood sugar regulation

  • Cranberries – Great for urinary tract

  • Cacao – Enhancing libido, healing of any sexual ailment

  • Reishi Mushroom – Powerful overall Immunity support

  • Hibiscus – Lowers blood pressure

  • Rose – Ability to fight off infection, menstrual pain relief

  • Vanilla – Soothes inflammation/cramps, helps with digestion

  • Goji berries – Prevents cancer growth, powerful antioxidant

  • Pomegranate – Prevents cell damage, Anti-Inflammatory

Sacral Chakra Svadhisthana (Color : Orange) – Creativity, Digestion, Intuition

  • Mandarin – Immune system booster, healing wounds

  • Oranges – Prevents skin damage, acids help breaking down heavy foods

  • Cinnamon – Prebiotic properties improving gut health, supports digestion

  • Guarana – Powerful energy booster

  • Pumpkin – Inner nurturer, re-connects to your inner fullness

  • Sweet Potato – Promotes gut health, filling and improves creativity

  • Turmeric – Antioxidant, helps with symptoms of depression

Solar Plexus Manipura (Color : Yellow) – Confidence, Trust, Individuality

  • Lemon – Acids break down toxins, powerful detoxifier

  • Astragalus – Great protector, anti-inflammatory, life prolonging

  • Chamomile – Soothing and Calming

  • Forsythia – Miracle healer for various ailments

  • Witch Hazel – Fights acne, wards off infection, relieves irritation

  • Ginger – Treats wonderfully nausea ailments and indigestions of all sorts

  • Curry – Combats Alzheimer and Cancer, boosts bone health

  • Maca – Increases libido, improves mood, helps with fertility

Heart Chakra Anahata (Color : Green) – Compassion, Love, Incarnation Gateway

  • Matcha – Powerful detoxifier, calms the mind and relaxes the body

  • Mugwort – Powerful lung ally, detoxifies any debris in lungs

  • Mullein – Powerful expectorant, helps body expel excess mucus

  • Amalaki – Supports lung health, promotes toxin elimination

  • Spinach – High source of protein and iron, reduces stress

  • Parsley – Opens the heart, anti-bacterial, helps wounds heal faster

  • Rosemary – Cognitive stimulant, improves memory quality

  • Thyme – Improves heart health on all levels, anti-fungal

  • Devil’s Club – Powerful heart & lung support, miraculous detoxifier

Throat Chakra Vishuddha (Color : Light Blue) – Communication, Expression

  • Butterfly Pea Flower – Cures eye sight, treats hair loss

  • Blueberries – Aids in communication, alleviates aspects of anxiety

  • Ashwagandha – Helps sooth symptoms of stress, pressure, depression

  • Valerian Root – Calming and soothing.

  • Echinacea – Great for overall immunity, sore throat, runny nose.

Third Eye Chakra Ajna (Color : Indigo) – Perception, Subtle Energy Discernment, FocusKnowing

  • Purple cabbage – Improves perception, receptivity to subtle energy

  • Eggplant – Comforting, nurturing, increases brain function

  • Plum – Constipation relief, reduces anxiety

  • Black Currants – Antiseptic, antitoxic, antimicrobial

  • Figs – Aphrodisiac (dried figs have an even higher nutritional value)

  • Elderberries – Wisdom berry assisting with overall outlook

  • Apple Cider Vinegar – Decalcifies Pineal Gland

  • Organic Blue Ice skate Fish Oil – Detoxifies and opens third eye

  • Boron / Borax – Removes fluoride from the human body

Crown Chakra Sahasrara (Color : Purple & White) – Spiritual Connection, Consciousness Gateway

  • Coconut – An ally in all forms, re-connects to inner gentleness

  • Lion’s Mane – Miracle mushroom, ally for a healthy neurological feedback

  • Bananas – Cures ulcers and heartburns, powerful spiritual ally

  • Garlic – Anti-viral, combats sickness, treats insect bites

  • Onion – Helps with “peeling” layers of the subliminal, cures fever

  • Pitaya (Dragon Fruit) – Speeds healing, Prevents Memory Loss

  • Burdock Root – Binds to chemicals in the body and pulls them out

  • Raspberries – Maintains brain health and healthy cognitive feedback

  • Açai Berry – Powerful regenerative berry increasing blood circulation

Get creative and make your own research as there is so much more to learn about + there are many wonderful companies who focus on teaching us all about it. Some of my favorites are Sun PotionPoppy & SomedayWooden Spoon HerbsHygéeMaison LoünoSolgarBuddha TeasAnima Mundi herbals etc… Pricing is ranging yet some of these potions in a tincture or powder format can last you for a year or two years. You can mix it into your yoghurt (ideally nut based) or your latte. I personally like to experiment with different varieties of lattes or smoothies : beetroot and cacao latte, vanilla rose and earl grey tea latte with some reishi powder, a golden turmeric latte with black pepper, coconut oil and astragalus, butterfly pea flower latte (which has an incredible blue color and I’m telling you it deserves the same hype as matcha, you can see it in the photos bellow). The options are infinite. This is why I didn’t want to give any specific recipe as I think it’s so important for it to be an exploration. If you are interested in specific recipes, I can absolutely consider that for a Youtube video or article! I hope you enjoyed this little moment of communion together. Much peace, many blessing and unconditional love.

Yours truly,


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Esoteric Kristina Bazan Esoteric Kristina Bazan

Witches & Lightworkers

In order to better navigate the current circumstances, it is very important to understand subtle distinctions when it comes to energy work and healing.

Sharing here this Youtube video I filmed a few weeks ago on the subtle understanding of what the word Witches truly means in comparison to the term Light Workers. These topics are very important to understand currently within the energy dynamics on our planet. As more and more people are waking up to the reality of the Quantum Universe we live in, this obviously raises many questions on how energy actually works and how humans have tried throughout the centuries to control and/or manipulate it to their advantage.

The truth is, you can only do it to a certain extend as Oneness Consciousness is the truth nature of reality, everything is indeed divinely inter-connected in Time - Space - Gravity - Love. Therefore nothing actually needs to be “manipulated” as everything already is perfect. Yet humanity and other inter-galactic races have been trying to get their grasp on the abundant ressources of certain planets to their benefit yet also to the detriment of many others. This has been creating dis-balances throughout the time space continuum for milleniums and we are now waking up to this truth to actually shift our beliefs about how reality actually works. This way of forcefully taking instead of receiving has been creating a lot of heavy Karma to be healed and transmuted. This is why many beings are here re-learning the same lessons over and over again throughout re-incarnation cycles. When you are centered within the zero-still point alignment within you (Google : Toroidal energy) you don’t need to forcefully take in order to be abundant : you can actually receive abundantly by divinely surrendering to divine flow and being in tune with the holy harmony of all that is. Life is truly like music in so many ways as we are all holy divine instruments within the infinite Orchestra of the Universe. Many wisdom seekers know that and this has been the N°1 teaching of all the ascended masters.

Think about it this way, I always like to use this analogy. You have two kids playing at the parc, building sand castles. One of them begins crying because he wants to use the little plastic shovel the other kid is holding in his hand. The other kid doesn’t want to give it to him, he’s actually quite proud to have his little shovel and build a better castle than his friend. Yet once the first little kid actually surrenders and lets go of his need to have the same shovel as his buddy, he begins taking the sand with his bare hands, turning it into mud and builds an incredible castle with his own ressources. The second kid is astounded and actually forgets about how important his little shovel was in the first place. All of this to say that it seems like we have been fighting for tools, ressources when they were already there this whole time. But we were so busy playing ego games, of who’s stronger, who’s wiser, that we got stuck in limiting vibrational planes. And life can be so much more fun than that.

When I have the opportunity to interact with the Arcturian or Pleiadian energies when channeling in deep meditation, I am always amazed to witness that they truly are located in absolute pure unity, oneness consciousness, way beyond the constructs of “belief” and “oppression”. They are pure love embodied. Once again we aren’t talking about “romantic” love, we are talking about the absolute power of the Love with a capital L as in the very composing essence of all that is, that which holds everything together, that which simply is beyond all understanding, beyond all structures, beyond all forms and conceptions. These energies have been teaching me the importance of discerning light work and witch craft. Light work is literally as it is called : working with light / sound waves for facilitating healing and transformation. It is always done for the highest, utmost good of all those involved. With craft can also be used for healing and it was the original purpose of this art indeed, however there came to be many distortions in the usage of this wisdom to gain personal power over others or even to seek revenge. You must understand that those who seek revenge, or manipulate by force have forgotten their oneness unity consciousness. They forget that those they oppress are themselves. For all is one. Yes indeed everything is absolutely in divine order throughout the multi-verse and we are here to learn. Earth is very much like a galactic University where many souls come to study and graduate to then become angels, ascended masters or to incarnate in other star galaxies. And the lessons on this plane of existence, specifically regarding energy can be very profound and intense.

I hope you will enjoy this video and let me know if you are interested in hearing more on this subject. I absolutely love talking about these topics and am already looking forward to hear your feedback. Don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on your notifications to stay updated with new content as it’s coming out. Also each one of your comments deeply matters, thank you for your loyalty and profound support. It means the world to me.

Much love as always and many blessings.

Yours truly,


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